Our Lady of the Mission is a warm and welcoming Catholic Church in the heart of Craigie.
In October 2024, we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Our Lady of the Mission Church with our outdoor Jubilee Mass.
Local volunteers are the heart and soul of our community and newcomers are always welcome!
7:00am | 9:00am
8:00am | 6:30pm
8:00am | 10:00am | 5:45pm
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Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration takes place ever Wednesday and Friday immediately following 9am Mass and closes at 7pm. All are welcome to call in and spend this special time with Jesus, who is truly present here in Body, Soul and Divinity. Our roster requires that you give one hour per week to sit with Jesus. During Eucharistic Adoration, Jesus and the tabernacle cannot be left unattended at any time, hence the request for people to sit with Him for this one hour on a roster basis. Jesus will bless you and your family abundantly for this quiet time spent in his company.
Children's Liturgy
This enables children aged from 4 – 8 years old to reach a better understanding of the Gospel Reading each Sunday. Children are taken into the meeting room at the start of the 9:30 am Mass and they return to church at the Offertory of the Mass. Children under 4 need to be supervised by an adult.
Religious Education (PREP)
Our aim is to educate the children who do not attend Catholic Schools with a good basic knowledge of their faith. The classes are held every Thursday at Whitford Catholic Primary School and the Parish Centre from 4.00 to 5.00 pm. Enrolment is during third term and again before school starts. Notification of these dates will be published in the newsletter and the bulletin.
Come Alive with Scripture
This group holds classes for you to learn about the scriptures through short courses which are usually held on a Tuesday evening. Each course runs for about 10 weeks.
Legion of Mary
This group meets every Tuesday in the Parish Centre at 1pm. Members are required to recite the Catena (prayer) every day, and are obliged to attend the weekly meetings. They should spend at least two hours each week on active work around the Parish in pairs, and generally assist the Parish Priest with any other work he may require from time to time. Membership is open to Catholic men and women over 18 years of age and we would be delighted to welcome new members.
Marriage Preparation
Embrace – Preparing to Live in Love. Each engaged couple receives individual instruction by a trained ‘Mentor’ couple, held over six sessions. Topics include: communication, forgiveness & reconciliation, family of origin, sexuality, spirituality and sacrament.
Marriage Enrichment
Celebrate Love is a two-day seminar consisting of workshops and reflective exercises designed to lead married couples in to a deeper intimacy with each other. The Seminars are held twice a year and there are a growing number of couples from this Parish who have participated.
Fr. Justin's Meditation
We follow Fr Justin’s style of meditations to help enhance our lives by freeing ourselves from the stresses, worries and angers that we hold in our bodies which cause all the depression and sickness we have in our lives. Working on being positive and focusing on all the good we have in our life enables us to find the person God knows we are, giving us the tools to take back our lives to live in good health, love and peace with ourselves, others and God. Meeting in Mercyville Chapel on Mondays 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Marian Movement
This prayer group meets immediately following 9.00am Mass on Wednesday mornings. Prayers consist of the Holy Rosary, invocation prayer to the Holy Spirit, prayers for the Pope’s intentions, a reading from the Blue Book “To the Priests – Our Lady’s Beloved Sons”, concluding with the Act of Consecration Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
A group averaging around 15-20 people meet each Tuesday evening at 6:00 pm, in the Church, to pray the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. This very powerful Novena which commenced in our Parish in 1983, continues to support the community in their times of need. All welcome to attend.
Personal Advocacy
This small group reaches out to people with intellectual disabilities, through regular fortnightly meetings, so that they can be included in the life and liturgy of the parish.Volunteer advocates from our parish are linked on a one-to-one basis with a person with intellectual disabilities and through these relationships members of the group come to know and understand what it is to love and to be loved, to give and to receive, to forgive and to be forgiven. This is faith in action for both the volunteers and for the people with disabilities.
Prayer Group (Filipino & Friends)
This group meets fortnightly on Thursdays in the Parish Hall at 11:00 am- 2:00 pm to say the Rosary together and study scriptures to strengthen their faith. The group is involved with various community activities, especially pastoral activities. They also have a choir that sings in different church groups.
Divine Mercy Ministry
This Ministry provides information on the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Messages and Praying for the sick and dying. They also coordinate the Divine Mercy Feast Day Novena, which begins on Good Friday and culminates on the Feast of the Divine Mercy, held on the 2nd Sunday of Easter which is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday.
Statue of Fatima
Families within our Parish may have The Statue of Fatima in their homes for a week. Our Lady’s Statue has graced the houses of parishioners for over 35 years travelling between Burns Beach and Karrinyup. The Rosary is recited each day whilst The Statue is with the family. A roster is prepared in advance and sent to families. New families are more than welcome to be included on the roster.
Whitfords SVdP
The St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Society is a worldwide organization dedicated to assisting people in need, by works of charity. Members aim to live their Christianity and attain a closer spiritual relationship to God via prayer and practical help to those in need. The Whitfords Conference of the SVdP Society meets each Tuesday in the Parish Centre from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
At different stages in life, some of us need a little extra help from time to time. The Parish has a group of people trained in different areas of counselling who may be available to help.
The Companionship Group is a movement within the Parish for seniors who have a desire to get to know other parishioners and meet socially on a regular basis, usually monthly. Group activities consist of a monthly lunch (advertised in the Bulletin) and group outdoor activities.
This group is for people who are unattached and are walking through life on their own whether divorced, widowed, separated or single. We meet once a month socially for Friendship and Fellowship and all the events will be held in a non-threatening, relaxed, comfortable environment where you can feel totally at ease and just be yourself.
Craft & Sewing
Meets every second Wednesday in the Parish Centre from 9:30am – 12:30pm.
Creative Liturgy
The church strives to put up meaningful decorations during important celebrations like Christmas, Easter, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Very positive feedback has been received over the years and we want to do more with your participation. Why not join our team if you can sew, paint or are handy with your hands? We meet a few times a year to plan and produce the results. With more resources, anything is possible.
Overseas Mission Support
This ministry gives support to the Overseas Missions and holds Social Events, Bric a brac sales etc to raise funds.
Environmental Care for Mother Earth
This group is for people who care about the environment and how it is treated. The group come together to discuss how we as a community can reduce our own personal footprint we leave on the earth.
The Columbarium is a sacred place on the parish property for the interment following cremation, of the ashes of parishioners and their immediate family. It is intended especially for those who love and have an affinity with the parish. We have 21 Saint’s walls available to choose from and niches are allocated sequentially. All niches are single niches. Information and application forms are available from the parish office and at the information table in the Church foyer.
Office Volunteers
This is a front line, person to person ministry. Ours is a work of welcome and service to all those we meet at the door and on the phone in the everyday of life in our Parish office. If you would like to be an office volunteer we have regular and casual positions available.
Altar Servers
For people who have made their First Holy Communion and are in year 4 or above.
Gardening & Mowing Team
This group maintains the parish gardens and lawns using parish equipment. Busy Bees are held throughout the year. There is a lawn mowing roster to use our ride on mower.
A choir sings at each of our Masses providing us with wonderful music and hymns to help make the liturgy more meaningful and enjoyable. Please consider sharing your wonderful gift with us. Our choirs are always looking for new members.
Mass Greeters
Be a Mass Greeter at the mass you normally attend. You only need to come 15 minutes before mass starts to welcome and give out the newsletters.
Mass Readers
This very important Ministry currently has 80 parishioners who regularly Proclaim the Word at all Masses. a six-monthly roster is prepared and depending upon the Mass, Proclaimers usually Read once every 8 weeks. New Proclaimers are always welcome and training is provided.
Information Desk
Volunteers are needed to help before and after weekend Masses at our information desk. This important ministry is needed to assist in answering the many queries new and existing parishioners and visitors have. Full training will be given.
Religious Goods Stall
We provide religious articles for the Parishioners at reasonable prices. We stock a range of seasonal goods (Christmas & Easter) as well as Birthday, First Communion & Confirmation cards, Rosaries, Medals, Books, etc. The stall is manned by volunteers who only need to spend a few minutes after each Weekend Mass at the stall. New volunteers are always welcome.
Cleaning Team
Would you like to be part of the ‘cleaning team’ and a member of a wonderful group of volunteers that clean our Church and Parish Centre?
24:7 Whitford Youth
Our youth group for teens from years 6-12 meet every 1st, 3rd and 5th Fridays of the month from 7-9pm. Join us for an evening of faith, friends, food and connecting with God. 24:7 builds our youth to be the best version of themselves and learn that life with Christ is a wonderful adventure. Our 24:7 leaders are trained paid youth coordinators from the 24:7 Youth Ministry.
Alpha Course
An Alpha course for Whitfords’ youth (16-22 yrs) has commenced and will occur weekly. Meetings will take place in Meeting Room 1, from 7.30-8.30pm with some optional snacks till 9pm.
Youth Choir
For our gifted youth and young adults who play musical instruments and sing. We welcome you to join our choirs to pray through new and relevant music.