

Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.  Through baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated  into the Church and made sharers in her mission…
– (Catechism of the Catholic Church n. 1213)

It is most important for Parent(s) to book baptisms with the Parish Office, as well as their attendance at the Baptismal Preparation evening. If you decide to have your child baptised here at Our Lady of the Mission, please contact the Parish Office on 9307 2776.

How to Book a Baptism:

Firstly, a baptism information form needs to be completed before attending the preparation class. You are invited to come to one of our weekend Masses.  A volunteer at the information desk will assist you after Mass.  Then call our parish office to book into a preparation class which are held every second Thursday at 7:30 pm in our church for parents and godparents.  Children of school age, to be baptised, also need to attend after their private instruction with our religious instructor is completed.  The class involves reflection, questions are answered, the baptism day is rehearsed and planned and readings are chosen.

Take the form home and fill it in.  Then bring it into our parish office which is open Monday to Friday from 9am till 4pm and our friendly staff member will make a baptism booking for you.  You MUST also provide a copy of the BIRTH CERTIFICATE when you bring in the completed preparation form.  At this time, a booking for the baptism preparation evening can also be made.  Baptism preparation evenings are held every 2nd Thursday in our Church and must be attended prior to a baptism.

You are quite welcome to ring the office prior to coming to Mass to discuss possible dates for the baptism and preparation.  However nothing can be confirmed until the office has your completed form AND a copy of the Birth Certificate.  Please do not send out invitations until these details have been confirmed.

Frequently asked Questions



Filling in the Baptism Information form

Do I have to fill it in a form?
Yes the office needs your form in order for a booking to be made.

I don’t have the names of the godparents finalised…
Fill in as much as you can, then ring the office as soon as possible with the missing information.

I am not sure of the date I want.
Fill  in as much as you can then ring the office ASAP with the date.  Your form will be filed in the TBC file.

God Parents

How many does my child need?
At least one. If they have only one then they MUST be Catholic.

Can non-catholics be God-parents?
Yes but at least one God-parent MUST be a CATHOLIC.

Can a child be a God-Parent?
Yes but they MUST have received their confirmation. Also, a Catholic adult will need to be listed as God-parent.

Can I have two female God-parents?
Yes or you can have two males.  We are not gender-specific.

The God-parent/s cannot attend the baptism as they are overseas/live elsewhere…
Their names will be listed as Godparents on the Certificate, BUT on the day you can have someone filling in/representing them.  They are called proxy Godparents.  The names of the proxy/ies will not be on the Certificate.

Date and time of baptism

When do baptisms take place?
Baptisms take place every Sunday at 11.30am with Fr Cyprian or Fr Francis.  Advise your friends and relatives that they are welcome to come to our Mass at 10.00am prior to the Baptism taking place.

Will my child/baby be the only one who is baptised?
We do a number of families in the same baptism session.

Preparation Evening

Do I need to come to that?

Do I need to bring my baby/child
Baby – No
School aged child – Yes.  They can see and understand what will happen on the baptism day.

Who needs to Come to the Preparation Evening?
At least one parent; Godparents if possible.

Where is it and at what time?
In the Church every second Thursday at 7.30pm.  You need to ring the office ASAP to book in. It is best to come to the one that is scheduled just before your baptism date

Baptism of a child in Aged 6 or Older

Does a child who is Aged 6 or older need any special preparation for their baptism?
Yes Please ring the office ASAP for more contact details. They must receive some instruction before their baptism.  After this they will then attend the preparation evening (Thursday) with a parent and godparents (if

Who prepares the school aged children?
Our parish After School Religious Program handles this. Ring the office for contact details.

Bring on the day…

What is the White Gown or Garment?
It symbolises the purity of the person/child/baby at baptism
Some suggestions:
For a little boy – a white shirt
For a little girl – a white dress or shawl
For a baby – a white christening gown
OR:  A white shawl or stole could be worn over coloured clothing.

Candles – Can they be shared?
Yes… but….  It is nice for each child to  have their own candle as a momentum of this special day. Then when/if they get married it  can be used in the wedding ceremony.


After the baptism you/your child will be presented with a commemorative certificate. It is VERY IMPORTANT to keep this certificate in a SAFE place.  You will need it when enrolling  into a catholic school, for future sacraments and for when they are to be married in the Catholic Church.


When and how do I give my donation?

A special envelope for the baptism donation is provided with the baptism forms you get.
Bring this along and hand in at the Thursday evening preparation The office will attach this to your Preparation Form which is in our file. OR on the day of the baptism you can personally hand your donation envelope to the priest.

If you decide to have your child baptised here at Our Lady of the Mission, please contact the Parish Office on 9307 2776.