The Catholic Archdiocese of Perth is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all its members, leaders, and especially its children and adults at risk. The care, safety and welfare of children and adults at risk is a collective responsibility, embedded in robust policies and practices of the Archdiocese which reflect its zero tolerance to abuse. We will:
- Strive to be an open and inclusive Church where all members including children, adults at risk, families, church workers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders’, the culturally and/or linguistically diverse and those with a disability or additional needs, are welcome and participate fully;
- Strive to be a Church where children and adults at risk are fully engaged and have every opportunity to be heard, flourish and grow;
- Strive to be a safe place by removing any barriers that will either harm or hinder children and adults at risk;
- Strive to ensure that every person engaged and working in the Church actively promotes the inherent dignity of all people by upholding their fundamental right to be included, respected and nurtured in a safe environment;
- Seek to maintain high ethical standards in all decisions, actions and programs;
- Strive to work in accordance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) and the Professional Standards reporting obligations through the implementation of The Safeguarding Handbook;
- Abide by Federal and Commonwealth statutory legislation pertaining to the Safeguarding of children and adults at risk.
Creating a safe Church is a dynamic process that involves active participation and responsibility by all leaders, clergy, church workers and the wider church community including parents and families. The Archdiocese is committed to making this possible through collaboration, vigilance and proactive approaches across legislation, policies, procedures and practices.
Lord Jesus,
Hear our voices as we pray for your care and protection.
Strengthen and guide us as we strive to make our Catholic
communities a safe place for all.
Give us the wisdom and courage to listen with open hearts, see with
open eyes, and speak out to ensure children and adults are safe,
loved, respected, and cared for.
We also pray for those who have been harmed. Give them the
courage to seek the truth and to heal.
May we all strive to understand our collective responsibility to work
together to safeguard our Catholic communities.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord,
You can find a downloadable copy of the Perth Archdiocese Safeguarding Handbook here.
Roles and Responsibilities of Parish Safeguarding Officers
The role of Parish Safeguarding Officers is key to ensuring that parishes meet the Archdiocese of Perth’s safeguarding responsibilities in all aspects of service that they undertake. They will be required to:
- be a source of support, advice and information on all matters of safeguarding children and vulnerable individuals in the parish
- be the first point of contact for children, vulnerable individuals and other members of the parish community regarding suspicions of abuse and other safeguarding concerns
- respond to all safeguarding concerns in line with the Archdiocese’s Safeguarding Policy and Procedures Manual, reporting these concerns to the Director Safeguarding Program and/or other authorities, as needed
- keep the Director Safeguarding Program informed of all concerns, responses and activities relating to safeguarding children and other vulnerable individuals of the parish community. When applicable, the parish will be informed
- raise the profile of safeguarding in the parish, ensuring that it remains a high priority, and report on any issues or concerns with the implementation of the safeguarding policy and procedures
- assist with proactive measures within parishes to safeguard children
ensure all Church workers (paid and unpaid) who are in child-related work have been provided with safeguarding policies and procedures contained in the Safeguarding Handbook - ensure that all statutory requirements are met within parishes in respect to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable individuals