24:7 Whitford Youth Group
Our youth group for teens from years 6-12 meet ever 1st and 3rd and 5th Fridays of the month 7-9pm. Join us for an evening of faith, friends, food and connecting with God. 24:7 builds our youth to be the best version of themselves and learn that life with Christ is a wonderful adventure. Our 24:7 leaders are trained paid youth coordinators from the 24:7 Youth Ministry.
Contact: Caleb 0409 682 923, Jasmine 0480 179 390
email: youthministry247@outlook.com.au
Alpha Course
An Alpha course for Whitfords’ youth (16-22 yrs) has commenced and will occur weekly. Meetings will take place in Meeting Room 1, from 7.30-8.30pm with some optional snacks till 9pm. For additional information please contact Eliza Boylen at 0402 642 887.
Youth Choir
For our gifted youth and young adults who play musical instruments and sing. We welcome you to join our choirs to pray through new and relevant music.
Contact: Sunday Evening Mass: Terry 0402 642 887